Jumat, 29 Februari 2008

Lowongan Kerja di Bali - Hotel Sofitel Seminyak

Sofitel Seminyak Bali combines modern French luxury with innovative design and Balinese elegance on the classic golden sands of Seminyak Beach. Spacious, luxurious, relaxing 128 rooms & 17 Villas are individual places to inspire and relax. The Hotel Facilities Include 3 Restaurants, 2 Bars, Extensive meeting Facilities, 1 Spa, 4,5 Hectares of Beach front Property with 2 Swimming Pools. We are looking for:
With the following requirements :
  • Customer oriented, highly motivated
  • 1 year experiences with similar position
  • Spoken & written English
  • Computer skill
Interested candidates, please send your CV + Photo to
I Wayan Netra, P
Human Resources Manager
Sofitel Seminyak Bali
Jl. Abimanyu, Seminyak Beach, Bali P.O. Box 3384 Denpasar 80033
Tel. 62 (361) 730730 Fax. 62 (361) 730545

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Selasa, 26 Februari 2008

Job Vacancy as Corporate Marketing Communication Manager - PT. Tirta Putra Wisata (Panorama Tours)

Job Vacancy as Corporate Marketing Communication Manager - PT. Tirta Putra Wisata (Panorama Tours)

Posted Date : Tuesday 26th of February 2008 11:03 PM

A dynamic & progressive Travel Management Company - are currently looking for outstanding persons to  apply  this position :


Qualifications :

    * D3/S1 Public Relation or Marketing
    * Maximal age 35 years old
    * Having an excellent experiences in the related field  in service industry
    * Computer literate & fluent building communication in English
    * Good leadership  & management skill
    * Attractive, Talkactive, Persuasive, Excellent Communication & interpersonal skills
    * Excellent multi tasking skill

Please send your application letter, CV, recent photograph, references and other related documents to :
Panorama Building 3rd floor
Jl. Tomang Raya No. 63
Jakarta 11440 - Indonesia

Email : recruitment@panorama-tours.com

Never miss a thing. Make Yahoo your homepage.

Senin, 25 Februari 2008

The Goldman Sachs Global Leaders Program (GSGLP) - The University of Sydney

The Goldman Sachs Global Leaders Program (GSGLP) was established by the Goldman Sachs Foundation in 2001. The Goldman Sachs Global Leaders Program is administered by the Institute of International Education (IIE) in partnership with educational organizations in selected countries, conducts an annual international competition at over 90 top-ranked universities in 19 countries.
The competition identifies and rewards the academic excellence and leadership potential of 150 of the most accomplished second-year students from all disciplines for GSGLP (The Goldman Sachs Global Leaders Program).
The Goldman Sachs Global Leaders Program recognizes the 150 Global Leaders' outstanding achievements and abilities by awarding each U.S. $3,000.
Based upon interviews, 75 of these student leaders are selected to represent the whole group at the annual Goldman Sachs Global Leadership Institute in New York City in July. At the Institute, students participate in leadership training and seminars on timely international issues.
To apply to the Goldman Sachs Global Leaders Program, students must be nominated by their universities in order to apply for this award. A nomination form can be presented to an academic for completion and sent to the Scholarships & Prizes Office, who will then submit nomination forms on behalf of each nominated student to the Foundation. Only applicants who meet the eligibility criteria described below will be considered for the award. Nominees must:
• have distinguished themselves as leaders in their community or school;
• have high academic standing as demonstrated by grades received in the final year of secondary school (high school) and first year in college or university. Eligible candidates must have a minimum GPA of 3.4/4.0 or international equivalent, or be in the top 10% of his/her class;
• be full-time students in the second-year of a university undergraduate degree program at one of the universities invited to participate in the 2007-2008 program year;
• be pursuing their first undergraduate degree (all fields of study accepted); and demonstrate competency in spoken and written English. Proficiency in English is necessary to participate fully in the Global Leadership Institute.
Only nominated students will be asked to submit an application for the Global Leaders Program. Once the Scholarships & Prizes Office has received the nominations, selected students will be given the opportunity to apply. You cannot apply directly. An application consists of the following materials. These materials are not optional – all materials must be submitted in order for an application to be reviewed by the selection panel. Students should contact the program if they are unable to submit some materials.
• A completed electronic application. Application instructions will be sent to all nominated students via email. The application must be completed and submitted online; a printed copy must also be sent to IIE/New York with the supporting documents (detailed below.)
• An official transcript from the first year of college or university. Include an official explanation of marks from the university.
• An official transcript from the final year of secondary school.
• University entrance examination scores. Applicants must submit a photocopy of the official results. Original results are not required.
• Two letters of recommendation. One letter must come from a university faculty member. The other letter may come from another university faculty member or an adult, non-family member who has supervised the nominee's education, work, or other activities. Letters must come from two different recommender.
• Resume. Curriculum Vitae, highlighting student's experiences and accomplishments.
Closing Date: Nominations are due to the Scholarships and Prizes Office by Monday, 10th March 2008
For questions or further information about the nomination process in your country, please contact:
Carlie Blake
IDP Education Australia
(03) 9093 0707
You may also visit the program's websites at www.iie.org/programs/global_leaders and www.globalleadersprogram.com
The University of Sydney
Rm 147 Ground Floor
Mackie Building (K01)
The University of Sydney NSW 2006
Phone: +61 2 9351 2717
Fax: +61 2 9351 5134
email: scholarships@careers.usyd.edu.au
Download The Nomination Form here

Never miss a thing. Make Yahoo your homepage.

Minggu, 24 Februari 2008

lowongan di desain grafis

why-imaging represents a group of professional photographers working in Bali. We offer intriguing fashion, product, architectural and wedding of this region that is more important than ever. Urgently needed:
Graphic Designer
Job Description:
• Assist design teams in graphic production for album layouting
• Deals with the structure and layout of images and text in a pleasing format for printed media.
• Work closely with other creative members in layout concepts.
• Collect, checking files and preparing Final Artwork before goes for printing.
• Reviewing proofs and quality control of the printed materials.
• Filing and archiving of files
• Make photo enhancement adjusting such as contrast adjustment, color grading, minor beauty retouching, vignetting, special effects/filter
• Male/Female aged maximum 25 years old.
• Committed and highly responsible
• Creative, talented, Innovative and excellent to detail in photography product, able to work under minimum supervision
• Have a strong working knowledge with Macintosh operating system and layout software such as Adobe InDesign and other Adobe Applications (Photoshop, Lightroom, Acrobat).
• Familiar with Microsoft Office applications such as Word, Excel
• Familiar with internet technology such as email, www, messenger
• Good as individual (independently) or as a team and have a strong communication and interpersonal skill
• Have a potential portfolio to show
• Fresh graduate are welcome to apply.
• Immediate placement
Send a copy of your resume and portfolio (beautifully design) in adobe acrobat file (pdf) to:
send your hardcopy of your resume and portfolio (beautifully design) in A4 print to:
up: josephine milka
Kertawinangun II
Graha Bali Paradiso no 36
Sidakarya - Denpasar 80224

Dateline: February 15, 2008

Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile. Try it now.

Kamis, 21 Februari 2008


PT TELKOMSEL area Pamasuka membutuhkan karyawan baru untuk posisi :
1. Staff Commerce ( COM)
Pendidikan : S1 : management, pemasaran, management informatika,
teknik industri
Kompetensi yang disyaratkan : Telecommunication regulation, Event
Mgt, Marketing reseach/analytical skill, strategy promotion,
creativity & inovation, data mining, negotiation skill, team work &
computer literacy, English Proficiency, Sales Skill, Channel Mgt
2. Staff Finance ( FIN )
Pendidikan : s1 keuangan, akuntansi
Kompetensi yg dipersyaratkan : telecomunication regulation,
accounting, tax mgt, inventory mgt, computer literacy, finansial
report & mgt adm & billing mgt, detail oriented

3. Staff Network ( NO)
Pendidikan minimal S1 Teknik Elektronika Telekomunikasi
Kompetensi yang dipersyaratkan : GSM Telecomunication, computer
literacy, communication skill, team work, English .
4. Staf Information Technology ( IT)
Pend S1 Teknik elektronika, teknik informatika
Kompetensi yg dipersyaratkan : telecommunication regulation, PABX &
data comm, creativity & innovation, communication skill, team work,
computer literacy, english proficiency
5. Staf Human Resource (HR)
Pendidikan S1 : psikologi, hukum, management SDM
Kompetensi yg dipersyaratkan : telecommunication regulation,
analytical skill, creativity & innovation, communication
skill,administratio n & filling management, hukum perburuhan &
ketenagakerjaan, negotiation skill, tax management, team work,
computer literacy, english proficiency.
6. Staf General Affair (GA)
Pendidikan S1 teknik industri, mangement, akuntansi
kompetensi khusus : telecommunication regulation, analytical skill,
creativity & innovation, communication skill, administration &
filling management, negotiation skill, tax management, teamwork &
computer literacy, english proficiency
Persyaratan Umum :
- L/P,usia max 25 thn
-Pend min. S1
-IPK PTN min 2,8 dan PTS min 3.00
-Fresh graduate atau berpengalaman di bid yg sama 2 thn
Jika memenuhi syarat, kirimkan lamaran lengkap :
- CV
- copy ijazah terakhir, transkrip nilai yg dilegalisir
-copy KTP
-pasfoto 4×6 - 1 lembar (berwarna)
-cantumkan kode posisi dipojok kiri atas amplop, surat lamaran ke :
Lamaran paling lambat diterima tanggal 15 maret 2008
Hanya pelamar yg memenuhhi kualifikasi yg akan dipanggil.

Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile. Try it now.

Pengumuman Lowongan Kerja di Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK) Tahun 2008

Dibutuhkan lebih dari sekedar TEKAD untuk memberantas korupsi di Indonesia…
Indonesia memanggil Warga Negara Indonesia yang memiliki integritas dan komitmen tinggi untuk bergabung dengan Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi dan mengisi posisi-posisi jabatan berikut :
Deputi PIPM
Direktur Penelitian dan Pengembangan
Kepala Biro Hukum
Analis LHKPN
Pemeriksa Gratifikasi
Spesialis Penelitian dan Pengembangan
Spesialis Deputi Penindakan
Computer Forensic Coordinator
Information Analyst
Spesialis Jejaring Informasi (PJKAKI)
Internal Auditor
Penelaah Pengaduan Masyarakat
Spesialis Hukum
Spesialis Hukum Perlindungan Saksi
Koordinator Pelayanan Internal
Spesialis SDM
Administrasi Keuangan
Staf Persidangan
Surveillance Officer
Interception Officer
Computer Forensic Officer
Acquisition and Implementing Staff
Web Staff
Telecommunication Administrator
Administrasi Hukum
Penjaga Tahanan
Koordinator- Integrated Security System-ISS
Koordinator M/E Gedung
Administrasi Pengelolaan Asset
Administrasi Pengadaan Barang dan Jasa
Sekretaris Deputi
Administrasi Pemeriksaan LHKPN
Administrasi Pencegahan
Administrasi Kampanye Sosial
Administrasi Kesekretariatan
Administrasi SDM
Formasi dan Spesifikasi Jabatan selengkapnya lihat keterangan di bawah.
1. Pendidikan
1. Minimal S1 untuk Deputi//Direktur/ Kepala Biro
2. Minimal S1 untuk kelompok pekerjaan Fungsional
3. Minimal D3 untuk kelompok pekerjaan Teknis dan kelompok pekerjaan Administrasi
2. Batas Usia
1. Minimal 45 tahun untuk Deputi dan 40 tahun untuk Direktur dan Kepala Biro, maksimal 52 tahun untuk Deputi/Direktur/ Kepala Biro per 30 April 2008.
2. Maksimal 40 tahun untuk kelompok pekerjaan Fungsional (kecuali jka ada persyaratan khusus untuk posisi tertentu) per 30 April 2008.
3. Maksimal 35 tahun untuk kelompok pekerjaan Administrasi dan kelompok pekerjaan Teknis  (kecuali jka ada persyaratan khusus untuk posisi tertentu) per 30 April 2008.
3. Mampu mengoperasikan komputer dan aplikasinya
4. Diutamakan lancar berbahasa Inggris lisan dan tulisan
5. Tidak buta warna
6. Bersedia mengikuti seluruh proses seleksi di Jakarta, biaya dari dan ke tempat seleksi menjadi tanggungan peserta.
7. Tidak dalam status Pegawai Negeri/PNS/CPNS
8. Tidak memiliki hubungan keluarga (suami/istri, orangtua/mertua, anak/menantu) dengan pejabat/pegawai KPK.
1. Memiliki integritas tinggi, dedikasi, dan komitmen yang tinggi
2. Bersedia bekerja dalam situasi penuh tekanan dan tantangan
3. Enerjetik, penuh kegigihan, dan mampu bekerja mandiri maupun dalam tim
4. Memiliki inisiatif tinggi, mempunyai pengendalian diri yang baik, dan wawasan yang luas
5. Menyukai pekerjaan yang beragam dan detail untuk kelompok pekerjaan Fungsional
6. Tekun dengan ketelitian yang tinggi
1. Aplikasi lamaran hanya melalui on-line (klik link registrasi on-line di bagian bawah spesifikasi jabatan). Tidak ada jalur lain yang digunakan untuk pengiriman lamaran.
2. Pelamar wajib memiliki alamat e-mail pribadi yang masih aktif untuk dapat mengikuti proses seleksi ini. Kami tidak melayani alamat e-mail yang salah input oleh pelamar. Pelamar dilarang menggunakan alamat e-mail kantor atau orang lain untuk proses pendaftaran ini.
3. Setelah mengisi formulir aplikasi dan mengirimkannya kembali secara on-line, pelamar akan mendapat konfirmasi registrasi. Konfirmasi tersebut berisi nomor registrasi yang akan digunakan selama proses seleksi. Anda tidak dapat menerima e-mail registrasi apabila alamat e-mail yang anda input salah dan atau sudah tidak aktif, sehingga anda tidak bisa log-in untuk pengumuman selanjutnya.
4. Pelamar hanya diperkenankan melakukan satu kali registrasi on-line dan hanya untuk satu posisi saja.Untuk itu pastikan Anda telah memilih Posisi Jabatan yang sesuai, serta menuliskan semua data dengan benar, sebelum menekan tombol KIRIM
5. Pelamar wajib mengisi aplikasi dengan data/informasi yang sebenar-benarnya karena data ini akan diklarifikasi dengan benar saat pelaksanaan verifikasi dokumen.
   6. Masa waktu registrasi on-line adalah 16 Februari  2008 s/d 2 Maret 2008.
7. Aplikasi yang masuk setelah batas akhir registrasi dan atau tidak melamar secara on-line, dianggap tidak berlaku.
8. Keputusan hasil seleksi bersifat mutlak dan tidak dapat diganggu gugat.
9. Pada setiap tahapan seleksi, hanya pelamar yang dinyatakan lulus melalui pengumuman di website KPK dan website PPM yang akan dihubungi oleh Konsultan Independen untuk masuk ke tahap seleksi berikutnya.
10. Pelamar tidak diperkenankan untuk menghubungi pejabat/pegawai KPK dan/atau datang ke KPK.Pelamar hanya diperkenankan datang ke KPK pada saat wawancara akhir oleh pihak KPK. Pelamar yang menghubungi/ mendatangi KPK selain pada waktu tes dinyatakan gugur.
11. Proses rekrutmen dan seleksi ini tidak dikenakan biaya apapun.
  12. Pengumuman hasil seleksi administrasi dan pelamar yang berhak mengikuti seleksi selanjutnya dapat dilihat di website www.ppm-rekrutmen. com mulai tanggal 12 Maret 2008, pukul 18.00 WIB
1. Bagi Anda yang kemudian dinyatakan lolos seleksi administrasi, akan diminta hadir pada Tes Tahap I di lokasi dan waktu yang akan ditetapkan dengan membawa dokumen dan kelengkapan sebagai berikut:
1. Kartu Tanda Penduduk yang masih berlaku, asli dan fotocopy
2. Fotocopy ijazah yang sesuai dengan persyaratan pendidikan dan telah dilegalisir oleh pejabat berwenang
3. Fotocopy transkrip nilai yang telah dilegalisir oleh pejabat yang berwenang
4. Fotocopy sertifikat keahlian lainnya yang relevan
5. Data Riwayat Hidup yang harus didownload dari website www.ppm-rekrutmen. com setelah Anda log in, data riwayat hidup yang telah diisi diserahkan dalam bentuk print out
6. Kartu Peserta Seleksi yang harus didownload dari website www.ppm-rekrutmen. com setelah Anda log in. Mohon dilengkapi dan diserahkan dalam bentuk print out
7. Pas Foto Berwarna ukuran 4 x 6 sebanyak 2 lembar
8. Fotocopy Surat Ijin Mengemudi (SIM) yang masih berlaku bagi pekerjaan yang mempersyaratkan kemampuan mengemudi.
2. Seluruh berkas dimasukkan ke dalam map folio, yang sudah dituliskan nama dan nomor registrasi Anda dengan ketentuan :
1. Map merah untuk kelompok pekerjaan struktural
2. Map hijau untuk kelompok pekerjaan fungsional
3. Map kuning untuk kelompok pekerjaan teknis
4. Map biru untuk kelompok pekerjaan administrasi
3. Mohon mempersiapkan seluruh dokumen dengan lengkap dan benar. Jika ditemukan ketidaklengkapan dokumen dan/atau ketidaksesuaian data pada dokumen dengan berkas lamaran, Anda akan dinyatakan gugur pada Tes Tahap I
Sumber dan Info Selengkapnya : http://www.ppm-rekrutmen.com

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Selasa, 12 Februari 2008

Lowongan PT. Mitra Media Nusantara

PT. Mitra Media Nusantara wich runs businesses in industrial media, our Infosawit Magazine is looking for potential personnel to build career in media business for the following possitions:


Requirements :

* Male/Female, bachelor degree from any discipline.
* Fresh graduate are welcome.
* Have excellent writing skills and experience in writing articles in English is high preferably.
* Able to interview and analysis, innovative and creative.
* Fluency in English, both written and oral.
* Able to work under pressure and on a tight deadline.
* Excellent communication skills.
* Self-motivated and able to work well independently or in a team.
* Enclose your journalistic/ analysis/ feature article, if any.


Requirements :

* Male/Female, bachelor degree from any discipline, Agriculture major will be advantage.
* Minimum 2 years experience in media
* Have excellent writing skills and experience in writing articles in English is high preferably.
* Able to interview and analysis, innovative and creative.
* Excellent communication skills.
* Fluency in English, both written and oral.
* Able to work under pressure and on a tight deadline.
* Self-motivated and able to work well independently or in a team.
* Enclose your journalistic/ analysis /feature article


Requirements :

* Female, maximum 30 years old, bachelor degree from university.
* Minimum 2 years experience in marketing.
* Able to plan, present and create a concept for events.
* Able to create a group proposal in presentation program (power point or media presentation).
* Good communication skills.
* Excellent in Mirosoft Office.
* Fluent in English.
* Self motivated and able to work as a team.


Requirements :

* Male/Female, university graduate, maximum 30 years old.
* Minimum 1 years experience in Finance and Accounting.
* Excellent in Mirosoft Office.
* Innovative and creative.
* Self motivated and able to work as a team.
* Able to work under pressure.


Requirements :

* Male/Female, bachelor degree from any dicipline.
* Fresh graduate are welcome.
* Have communication skills, innovative and creative.
* Self-motivated and able to work well independently or in a team.


Requirements :

* Male, Max. 30 years old.
* Diploma / bachelor degree.
* Minimum 2 years experience in the same position.
* Able to use design program (Indesign, Pagemaker, Photoshop, Illustrator, Freehand, Coreldraw).
* Good taste in art, media-concept, innovative and creative.
* Understand about pre-print and post-print for magazine publishing
* Able to work on a team or individually.
* Able to work under pressure and tight schedule.
* Enclose your graphic-design/ media portfolio


* Male, Max. 30 years old.
* Diploma / bachelor degree.
* Minimum 2 years experience in the same position.
* Able to use design program (Indesign, Pagemaker, Photoshop, Illustrator, Freehand, Coreldraw).
* Good taste in art, media-concept, innovative and creative.
* Understand about pre-print and post-print for magazine publishing
* Able to work on a team or individually.
* Able to work under pressure and tight schedule.
* Enclose your graphic-design/ media portfolio

Please send your application letter, CV, portfolio, recent photograph, within 2 weeks. Put the code on the upper left corner of the envelope or subject email to:


PT. Mitra Media Nusantara
Komplek Bukit Permai.
Jl. Anjasmoro, Blok G2 No.1
Cibubur, Ciracas, Jakarta Timur 13720
Telp/Fax. 021-871 6853

CP: Ery Kurniawan
Website :



sawit.magazine@gmail.com, info@infosawit.com

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Sabtu, 09 Februari 2008

testi Valentine Day.. happy valentine

Cut & Paste Valentines Day graphics code below to your profile or website
Cut & Paste Valentines Day graphics code below to your profile or website
Cut & Paste Valentines Day graphics code below to your profile or website
Cut & Paste Valentines Day graphics code below to your profile or website
Cut & Paste Valentines Day graphics code below to your profile or website
Cut & Paste Valentines Day graphics code below to your profile or website
Cut & Paste Valentines Day graphics code below to your profile or website
Cut & Paste Valentines Day graphics code below to your profile or website
Cut & Paste Valentines Day graphics code below to your profile or website
Cut & Paste Valentines Day graphics code below to your profile or website
Cut & Paste Valentines Day graphics code below to your profile or website
Cut & Paste Valentines Day graphics code below to your profile or website
Cut & Paste Valentines Day graphics code below to your profile or website
Cut & Paste Valentines Day graphics code below to your profile or website
Cut & Paste Valentines Day graphics code below to your profile or website
Cut & Paste Valentines Day graphics code below to your profile or website

You may also want to check out:   Vintage Valentines - Hearts - I Love You - Kisses

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Kamis, 07 Februari 2008

Chuck Yeager Biography

Chuck Yeager Biography

First Man to Break the Sound Barrier

Chuck Yeager Date of birth: February 13, 1923

  Chuck Yeager
Chuck Yeager Biography Photo
Chuck Yeager is unquestionably the most famous test pilot of all time. He won a permanent place in the history of aviation as the first pilot ever to fly faster than the speed of sound, but that is only one of the remarkable feats this pilot performed in service to his country.
Charles Elwood Yeager was born in 1923 in Myra, West Virginia and grew up in the nearby village of Hamlin. Immediately upon graduation from high school he enlisted in the United States Army Air Corps to serve in World War II.

Chuck Yeager Biography Photo
Shot down over enemy territory only one day after his first kill in 1943, Yeager evaded capture, and with the aid of the French resistance, made his way across the Pyrenees to neutral Spain. Although army policy prohibited his return to combat flight, Yeager personally appealed to General Dwight D. Eisenhower and was allowed to fly combat missions again. In all, he flew 64 combat missions in World War II. On one occasion he shot down a German jet from a prop plane. By war's end he had downed 13 enemy aircraft, five in a single day.
After the war, Yeager continued to serve the newly constituted United States Air Force as a flight instructor and test pilot. In 1947, he was assigned to test the rocket-powered X-1 fighter plane. At the time, no one knew if a fixed-wing aircraft could fly faster than sound, or if a human pilot could survive the experience. Chuck Yeager broke the sound barrier on October 14, 1947, only days after cracking several ribs in a horseback riding accident. In 1952, he set a new air speed record of 1650 mph, more than twice the speed of sound. He flew test flights in Korea, and commanded a fighter squadron in Europe.
Chuck Yeager Biography Photo
After the onset of the space race in 1956, Yeager commanded the Air Force Aerospace Research Pilots School to train pilots for the space program. In this capacity, Yeager supervised development of the space simulator and the introduction of advanced computers to Air Force pilots. Although Yeager himself was passed over for service in space, nearly half of the astronauts who served in the Gemini, Mercury and Apollo programs were graduates of Yeager's school.
In 1963, Yeager was flying the experimental Lockheed Starfighter at over twice the speed of sound when the engine shut off and he was forced to abandon the spinning aircraft. Yeager's compression suit was set on fire by the burning debris from the ejector seat, which became entangled in his parachute. He survived the fall, but required extensive skin grafts for his burns.
Chuck Yeager Biography Photo
The Air Force space school was closed in 1966, as NASA took over the training of astronauts. During the Vietnam War, Yeager -- now a full colonel -- commanded the 405th fighter wing out of the Philippines, flying 127 air-support missions, and training bomber pilots.
In 1968, Yeager was promoted to brigadier general. He is one of a very few who have risen from enlisted man to general in the Air Force. In 1970, General Yeager served as U.S. Defense Representative to Pakistan and supervised Pakistan's air defense in its war with India. He retired from the Air Force in 1975, but continued to serve as a consulting test pilot for many years.
In 1976, Chuck Yeager was awarded the Congressional Gold Medal, presented to him by President Gerald Ford. President Ronald Reagan later honored him with the Presidential Medal of Freedom. These are the highest honors the nation bestows for outstanding service or achievement. General Yeager's other decorations include the Purple Heart, the Bronze Star with V device, the Air Force Commendation medal, the Silver Star with oak leaf cluster, the Legion of Merit with oak leaf cluster, the Distinguished Service Medal, the Distinguished Flying Cross with two clusters, and the Air Medal with ten clusters. His civilian awards include the Harmon International Trophy (1954) and the Collier and Mackay Trophies (1948). He was the first and the youngest military pilot to be inducted into the Aviation Hall of Fame (1973).
Chuck Yeager Biography Photo
A bestselling nonfiction book, The Right Stuff (1979) by Tom Wolfe, and the popular film of the same title (1983), made Yeager's name a household word among Americans too young to remember Yeager's exploits of the 1950s. Yeager's autobiography enjoyed phenomenal success and he remains much in demand on the lecture circuit and as a corporate spokesman. Chuck Yeager made his last flight as a military consultant on October 14, 1997, the 50th anniversary of his history-making flight in the X-1. He observed the occasion by once again breaking the sound barrier, this time in an F-15 fighter.

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chinese new year

  • What is the Chinese New Year's Day in Year 2008?
    • February 7, 2008 is the first day of the Chinese new year.
  • What is the Chinese New Year's Day in Year 2007?
    • February 18, 2007 is the first day of the Chinese new year.
  • What is the Chinese New Year's Day in Year 2006?
    • January 29, 2006 is the first day of the Chinese new year.

    There are three ways to name a Chinese year:
    1. By an animal (like a mscot).
    2. 2008 is known as the Year of the Rat.
      There are 12 animal names; so by this system, year names are re-cycled every 12 years. More.
    3. By its Formal Name (Stem-Branch).
      This year is the year of Wu Zi.
      In the 'Stem-Branch' system, the years are named in 60-year cycles, and the Name of the Year is repeated every 60 years.
      2008 is the 9th year in the current 60-year cycle.
    4. Current year is Year 4705 by the Chinese calendar.
      [A few Chinese astrological/zodiac websites believe this year should be considered as Year 4706 for zodiac calculations.]
  • What's special about the Chinese New Year in 2006?
    • It was a Leap Year! Unlike the western calendar, where one extra day is added in February, one whole leap month is added in a Chinese Leap Year.
      Just think. If you get paid by the month, instead of working an extra day for nothing, you would get an extra month's pay !!!
      This time around, the Leap Month comes after the regular 7-th Month. The "Leap Second Month" begins on August 24,2006. Read more about this here And here.
  • When was the Chinese New Year's Day in Year 2003?
    • February 1, 2003. It was the first day in the Year of the Ram (sheep, goat).
      This is Year 4700 by Chinese calendar.
  • When was the Chinese New Year's Day in Year 2002?
    • February 12, 2002. It was the first day in the Year of the Horse.
      It is Year 4699 by Chinese calendar.
      For those interested in astrology, it is the year of the Black Horse.
  • When was the Chinese New Year's Day in Year 2001?
    • January 24, 2001. This was the first day in the Year of the Snake.
      This is Year 4698.
      [Some says this is Year 4638, which is also plausible.
      Others claim this year to be either 4699 or 4399, which are almost certainly wrong.]
  • What's special about the Chinese New Year in 2001?
    • It was a Leap Year! Unlike the western calendar, where one extra day is added in February, one whole leap month is added in a Chinese Leap Year.
      Just think. If you get paid by the month, instead of working an extra day for nothing, you would get an extra month's pay !!!
      This time around, the Leap Month comes after the regular 4-th Month. The "Leap 4-th Month" begins on May 23, 2001. More about this...
  • When was the Chinese New Year's Day in Year 2000?
    • February 5, 2000. It was the first day in the Year of the Dragon.
      That year ended on January 23,2001.
  • When is the Chinese New Year's Day in some other year?
    • There is a 160-year calendar which gives all the dates from 1900-2060 written by H. Liang. You can download it free from http://lunarcal.tripod.com/Download.html
  • 12 Animals
      Each year is also designated by one of the 12 Animals For instance, 2005 is Year of Rooster; 2006 is Year of Dog; and 2007 is the Year of Pig.
      2008 is the Year of the Rat This system is extremely practical. A child does not have to learn a new answer to the question, "How old are you?" in each new year. Old people often lose track of their age, because they are rarely asked about their present age. Every one just have to remember that he or she was born in the "Year of the Dog" or whatever.
      Since 2008 is the Year of the Rat, any one who was born in the Year of the Rat is now either 1 or 13, 25, 37, 49, 61, 73, 85 or 97 years old. More about this.
  • New Year's decoration at the front of the house
  • What's this logo at top right corner of this web page?
    • The Chinese word for "Spring." The Chinese calls the New Year's Celebration the "Spring Festival." This particular calligraphy is a reproduction of the work by one of master calligrapher Zhao Mengfu (1254-1322) who wrote it more than 600 years ago.
      More on calligraphy
  • Are there Chinese Graphics analogous to Christmas cards?
  • What is the Chinese word for 'luck'?
  • Solar/Lunar calendar

  • What is the story about the animal of the year?
    • In Chinese calendar, one of the scheme for counting years is a 12-year cycle. One counts from Year 1,2,3,... up to 12. Then starts over from Year 1. (In modern mathematics, this is modulo 12.) Instead of inventing 12 special symbols for this purpose, 12 animals are used to represent these 12 years. Rabbit (hare), for example, is the 4-th year of the cycle.
      See more about this.
  • Chinese dragons
  • Fireworks & skywriting
  • How is Chinese New Year's Day determined?
    • In one sentence, the Chinese New Year is the second New Moon after the winter solstice.
      It is based strictly on astronomical observations, and has nothing to do with the Pope, emperors, animals or myths. Due to its scientific and mathematical nature, we can easily and precisely calculate backward or forward for thousands of years.
    • One explanation by Rudy Chiang
    • Allen Tsai's site has more details: about Year 2007 and
  • Chinese Zodiac
  • Chinese Zodiac
  • Related Websites
    • Tet - New Year in Viet Nam A beautifully written page
    • The Japanese word for "New Year's Greetings" is Kinga Shinnen.
      2007 is the Year Heisei 19 in Japan. [平成 19]
      Heisei is the current emperor. Japan is the only country in the world which still number the calender years starting from the ascession of its emperors.
    Other Links

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    Rabu, 06 Februari 2008

    Two dead in Huntersville area, students trapped at Union

    Madison County Sheriff David Woolfork said two people are confirmed dead in the Huntersville community on U.S. 70 west following tonight's severe weather.
    Emergency responders were working this evening to free eight Union University students who were trapped in Hurt Complex and Watters Complex, which are residence halls at the school, said Tim Ellsworth, who is news director at the university. No students were seriously injured, according to Ellsworth and Union President David Dockery.
    Four students have been rescued from the dorms, but it is not clear whether they have been taken to the hospital, Ellsworth said.

    The students who are trapped are talking with emergency responders, Dockery has said.

    ''The dorms have been reduced to piles of rubble of around them,'' Ellsworth said. ''I know we had students huddled in the bathrooms.''

    ''A couple of buildings have almost completely collapsed and the roof of Jennings Hall is almost completely gone,'' Ellsworth said.

    The damage to buildings on campus is 10 times worse than it was when tornadoes hit the university in 2002, Dockery said.

    Ellsworth said classes at the university have been canceled until further notice.

    Nineteen injured people have come through the emergency room at Jackson-Madison County General Hospital, according to spokeswoman Jan Boud. Five of those people are in serious condition, but most of the other injuries are minor, she said.

    Serious damage was done to the Jackson Oaks nursing home, at 3131 N. Highland Ave. No injuries have been reported there, but the home's 114 residents have been evacuated. The residents are being taken to the Carl Perkins Civic Center and family members will be contacted to pick them up.

    Woolfork said deputies have responded to several entrapment calls this evening.

    More than 10 residents took shelter at the Jackson Police Department tonight.

    In North Jackson other residents sought shelter at Regional Hospital, which received some damage.

    Regional is operating on power from a generator and plans to bring in another generator. The emergency room is open, and clean-up crews are at the entrance of the hospital removing debris.

    The nearby Regions bank branch at Channing Way and the U.S. 45 Bypass was destroyed by the storm, according to James Dusenberry, president of Regions Bank West Tennessee.

    "The roof of the building is missing and the drive through is destroyed," Dusenberry said. "All of our associates are OK. So far we know of no problems in Humboldt or other branches in North Jackson, but we've not been able to check in Brownsville."

    Just before 8 p.m., Jackson City Mayor Jerry Gist said emergency teams were concentrating their efforts with rescues at Union University and motorists on Interstate 40.

    Gist and Madison County Mayor Jimmy Harris were in the emergency command center in the basement of Jackson Police Department.

    "Our first priority is getting entrapments free," Gist said.

    Six crews, about 30 Jackson firefighters, are out servicing the calls at Union and I-40, Jackson Fire Chief James Pearson said.

    On I-40, emergency officials are responding to calls in the area of exits 70 through 73.

    Six tractor-trailers were blown over during the storm, officials said.

    Jackson Energy Authority says all power is out north of the interstate. The Pipkin Road area is out along with five substations in North Jackson. There are no estimated times on when power will be back up. Call 422-7500 if you see lines out or smell gas.

    Jackson Sun reporters Tajuana Cheshier, Tonya Smith-King, Wendy Isom and Ned Hunter and The Associated Press contributed to this report.

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    Selasa, 05 Februari 2008

    Problems May Stall Super Tuesday Results

    CNN's Super Tuesday-plus

    By Paul J. Gough
    NEW YORK -- CNN is going around the clock with political coverage in the hours leading up to and past Super Tuesday in early February.

    The network plans to devote an unprecedented 40 consecutive hours of live coverage to the primaries and their aftermath beginning at 6 a.m. EST Feb. 5, when the polls in two dozen states open and concluding around 11 p.m. Wednesday.

    "It won't really stop," said Sam Feist, CNN's political director who is coordinating the coverage from the channel's election headquarters in New York and on the road with the candidates and at the polls.

    CNN plans to begin its coverage of Super Tuesday with "American Morning," though the results won't start to come in until after 7 p.m. Eastern, when Wolf Blitzer, Lou Dobbs, Anderson Cooper and Campbell Brown will work with others from CNN to report and analyze the results. Sometime early Wednesday, the New York-based on-air team will get some rest and two Atlanta-based anchors will take over for the overnight hours before 6 a.m. rolls around and the New York team returns to action.

    Feist said the overnight anchors won't lack for things to do. Because this is a truly national primary, with results from all over the country, there will be results from remote regions trickling throughout the night, and margins will need updating even when all the winners are known already.

    "We want to be there to show them," Feist said.

    Not that CNN is resting on its laurels in the week-plus leading up to Super Tuesday. It's going full blast the next two weekends on its so-called Ballot Bowl -- live coverage of candidate appearances that runs Saturday and Sunday. Saturday night is the South Carolina Democratic primary, and Tuesday is the Florida primary. And to add to it, CNN has a GOP candidates debate at the Reagan Library in Simi Valley, Calif., on Wednesday and a debate among the Democratic candidates the next night in Los Angeles.

    "Each of these you could work six months to get ready for," Feist said. Because the debates come right after the Florida primary, Cooper and several of CNN's political analysts will be doing their job from California on Tuesday night.

    (AP) Long lines, a shortage of poll workers and unprecedented numbers of mail-in ballots could delay vote counts in the biggest-ever Super Tuesday in American politics - a day in which nearly half the nation will cast ballots.

    A record 24 states hold primaries and caucuses Tuesday, the result of a stampede by states to gain prestige and wield clout by moving up voting dates in the Democratic and Republican nominating races for the White House. These all-out charges toward Tuesday provide ample opportunities for confusion and stalled tallies, voting advocates say.

    Adding to the list of possible delays: expectations of record-breaking voter turnout in contests expected to be close. Many of the states that moved up primaries have never been involved in one with meaningful impact, often resulting in low turnout in the past, said Tova Wang of The Century Foundation think tank.

    So on Super Duper Tuesday, or Tsunami Tuesday, as some also have called it, voters across the country could face a number of difficulties - some new, some reincarnations of elections past.

    In their haste to move up primaries, officials in some states appear to have overlooked ordinary facts of life, such as the weather and the advanced age of many poll workers. Cold northeastern states including Connecticut and New York have encountered problems recruiting poll workers because many senior citizens, a sizable percentage of paid volunteers, are still south for the winter. Snow in the middle of winter also could have an impact, especially if there's bad weather on one end of a state and good weather on the other.

    "There's been a lot of concern about the weather, and poll workers not showing up," said Wang. "In states where a lot of their senior citizens are snowbirds, counties were having a hard time getting poll volunteers."

    A significant shortage of poll workers forced Linda von Nessi, clerk to the Essex County Board of Election in New Jersey, to advertise in local newspapers. "People were either in Florida or they didn't want to commit because of the possibility of cold weather," she said. She has added 207 people to replace her diminished ranks. "We've never had to hire that many new people," she said.

    But even sunbelt states have felt the pinch. As of Thursday, some California election officials were still recruiting poll workers on their Internet sites.

    Super Tuesday "is really like a national primary," said Doug Chapin of electionline.org, funded by The Pew Center on the States. "And the thing that's really striking about 2008 is we're still seeing a tremendous amount of change and a great deal of uncertainty" in the final days leading to Super Tuesday.

    If state contests produce tight margins and too-close-to-call races, Chapin said demands for recounts could abound. In New Hampshire, Democrats asked for a recount after Jan. 8 primary results differed widely from pre-election polls.

    "If people are unhappy with the results, you may see the same kind of back-and-forth we saw in 2000," Chapin said, when Florida's recount went to the U.S. Supreme Court and George W. Bush was declared the victor weeks after the November election.

    In California, the most populated state and highest possessor of electoral votes, some election officials have already warned that vote counts will be far later than normal. Los Angeles County Registrar-Recorder Dean Logan said record numbers of mail-in ballots and an anticipated deluge of voters could delay final primary results.

    Election officials in 21 other counties, including heavily populated Riverside, San Diego, San Bernardino and Santa Clara, are struggling to implement what many consider a last-minute shift from controversial electronic machines to paper ballots. The change was mandated after the secretary of state decertified nearly all the state's electronic voting machines, saying they were vulnerable to errors and sabotage.

    In some areas, stacks of paper ballots must be driven to centralized counting facilities and fed by hand into optical scanners. Mail-in ballots, estimated at 40 percent of the vote in Los Angeles County, also must be hand-fed into counting machines. A test run in San Bernardino County showed that scanners could only count 10,000 votes per hour.

    Some local elections officials say that could lead to an increase in ballot errors, such as voting twice or leaving races blank. Without those machines at individual precincts, poll workers will not be able to catch mistakes until hours later at county headquarters.

    "It's much more work for our poll workers," said San Bernardino County Registrar Kari Verjil. "It's very time consuming."

    Verjil has 4,000 touch-screen machines sitting in storage, for which the county paid $16 million.

    "It's going to be a return to all these things that got us going with electronic voting in the first place," said northern California Contra Costa County registrar Steve Weir, who also heads the statewide registrars association.

    After Congress enacted the Help America Vote Act in 2002 - which was designed to prevent another election disaster - electronic voting was accepted by several states as the answer to cumbersome paper ballots, which must be fed into counting machines or tallied with optical scanners.

    State officials in Colorado also have decertified electronic machines, citing the possibility of malfunctions and errors, though machines will not be used in Tuesday's caucuses.

    In Florida - where the "hanging chad" paper ballot debacle of 2000 prompted all 67 counties to embrace touch-screen machines - state officials will now no longer use most of them. This week's primary marked the last use for most of the 250,000 machines. In November, voters will cast paper ballots read by optical scanners - a reversal prompted by several factors, including pressure from voting activists and a federal investigation under way in Sarasota to determine if touch-screen machines there failed to record 18,000 votes during the 2006 congressional election.

    Despite record turnout this week, Florida's primary went smoothly.

    E-voting - which accounts for about 40 percent of voting technology used in the U.S., according to activist group Verified Voting - continues to spark controversy in other states as well.

    For example, New Jersey officials failed to meet a state-ordered deadline to install paper printers on some machines to provide written proof of a voter's choice. So on Tuesday, voters will continue to use electronic machines - devices that voting activists say are unreliable and prone to error because they produce no paper or audit trail.

    Producing identification at polling places is another troublesome issue, according to voters rights groups.

    Georgia, which requires photo ID at precincts, faces its first statewide test of the law enacted after a long court battle. State officials have conducted public education campaigns, listing the type of photo identification that meets the state rule. They include: a Georgia driver's license, even if expired; a military ID; an American Indian tribal ID; or a U.S. passport.

    Voters who lack such documentation can receive a free state photo ID. In some precincts, that identification can be issued at the polling place while would-be voters wait.

    But that does little to appease civil rights groups and voting rights organizations that say the law disenfranchises minorities and the elderly - those most at risk for lacking such documentation.

    The U.S. Supreme Court is weighing whether a similar, but more restrictive, Indiana law violates the Constitution. A decision is expected this summer.

    Arizona, too, faces criticism over state rules demanding photo ID at the polls - as well as requiring that proof of citizenship be shown when registering to vote. Unlike Indiana and Georgia, Arizona allows voters to produce two other forms of ID, such as utility and telephone bills, if they lack photo identification.

    A coalition of citizens' groups including the League of Women Voters of Arizona, the League of United Latin American Citizens and People For the American Way Foundation, filed suit against the law, saying it deprived residents of their right to vote.

    The suit is pending. Legal efforts by the coalition to temporarily block the law have failed.

    Tuesday's primary will be the first election for national office in Arizona using the ID rule since it was approved by ballot initiative in 2004.

    Arizona officials say the rule does not cause a hardship, it merely bolsters existing law that stipulates only U.S. citizens have the right to vote.

    Minority groups scoff at that.

    "It's an unnecessary and very harmful obstacle to voter registration," said Nina Perales, an attorney with the Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund, which is a party to the lawsuit.

    "There is a disparate effect on Latinos. There are many people who don't have documentation that proves they're a citizen."

    No matter what happens on Super Tuesday, there is an upside to voting this early in so many states, voting advocates say.

    "If there really are problems, that gives states longer than they'd normally have to fix them before the November election," said electiononline.org's Chapin

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    Sabtu, 02 Februari 2008

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