Darkness by PiZeroFeatures:
Minggu, 30 November 2008
Xchange R8 v1.2Xchange R8 is a simple currency convertor. You can choose 3 currencies to be displayed and for the time being you have two WebServices available: Bank of Romania (for my Romanian friends) and Bank of England (for my other friends). Bank of England currency are accessed via the Export Technologies WebService. Selengkapnya… |
nueLight v2.2nueLight for the HTC Titan turns your Titan into a versatile flashlight. nueLight uses the flash LED for the camera and can even enter high-beam mode. nueLight also has a morse code function where it will send text you type as morse code over the flash LED. Selengkapnya… |
Sabtu, 15 November 2008
How to Format a Nokia 6600 DevicePrimary Method 1. Turn your device off. Alternate Method 1. You can remove the mmc but keep the sim card and restart your phone. TIPS WARNING |
Rabu, 17 September 2008
VACANCY IN COAL MINING COMPANY We are a leading regional integrated mining company for more than 17 years. To support our expansion, we urgently require qualified, professional and highly motivated candidates to join our winning team for the following positions: 1. Maintenance Planner 2. Mining Engineer 3. Drill & Blast Engineer 4. Plant Supervisor 5. Plant Superintendent 6. Maintenance Trainer 7. Mining Supervisor 8. Mining Superintendent 9. HRD Superintendent 10. HRD Supervisor 11. HSE Superintendent 12. HSE Supervisor 13. Heavy Equipment Trainer 14. CSR Supervisor We offer career opportunities, a dynamic working environment and excellent salary packages for top candidates. Candidates must be graduation from at least diploma degree and have 2 years working experience in the same position. Having a POP certificate is a plus for supervisor applicants, and POM for superintendent. Candidates must have a good communication and interpersonal skills in both English and Bahasa Indonesia. Ability to operate MS-Office, willingness to work hard and having high motivation are obligatory. Should you meet those criteria, please send your application with a comprehensive resume, a recent photograph, copies of academic certificate & supporting documents within 2 weeks after this advertisement and kindly state the position you apply for at the e-mail subject to : recruitment@ ptdh.co.id (recruitment at ptdh.co.id) - http://www.ptdh. co.id <http://www.ptdh. co.id/> CONFIDENTIALITY CAUTION: This email is confidential. If you are not the addressee tell the sender immediately and destroy this email without using, sending or storing it. Emails are not secure and may suffer errors, viruses, delay, interception and amendment. PT Darma Henwa does not accept liability for damage caused by this email and may monitor email traffic. |
Kamis, 10 Juli 2008
Visiting Instructor - PsychologyPosted by: The Department of Psychology at the University of West Florida seeks candidates for a one-year position as Visiting Instructor (102850).Individuals who have completed the PhD are preferred because teaching assignment may include masters-level graduate courses.However, those who have completed all requirements for the doctorate except the dissertation will also be considered. Read more… |
Sabtu, 05 Juli 2008
Senior Researcher: Hydrogen Infrastructure Technologies R & DPosted by: The North-West University (NWU) and the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) have recently been appointed by the South African Department of Science and Technology (DST) to co-host a Centre of Competence in Hydrogen Production, Storage and Distribution (Hydrogen Infrastructure.) This Centre of Competence is a key component of the South African Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Technologies Research and Development Strategy. An exciting opportunity exists for an expert, in the field(s) of hydrogen production (especially electrolysis), storage and distribution as well as fuel cell technologies, to provide scientific guidance and leadership to the Centre of Competence, create an environment for technology transfer, mentor graduate students and grow the group in line with the DST's, NWU's and CSIRs vision for this Frontier Science and Technology Initiative.
The Hydrogen Infrastructure Centre of Competence will have strong collaboration with relevant national and international research partners and institutions.
Minimum qualifications and experience
PhD in the Natural Sciences or Engineering At least 5 years experience in the field of hydrogen and/or fuel cell research and development with a strong emphasis on electrochemical processes At least 2 years experience as a leader of a research group A track record of publications in high impact journals Candidates without a PhD, but with at least a masters degree together with substantial applicable experience, may also apply Read more… |
[Lowongan Kerja] Pizza Hut
We are looking for individuals who believe in stiving for Excellence to become a member of Indonesia's largest Pizza chain. 1. INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS ASSISTANT (IRA) . University degree of law,minimum 7 years experience in similar position . Male, age 30-45 years old 2. INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS SUPERVISOR (IRS) . University degree of law,with 3-5 years experience in similar position . Male,age 30-35 years old 3. OUTLET MANAGER (OM-PHD) . Min. D3 graduated,preferabl e from Tourism School . Male/Female, age max. 35 years old . Having experience in food service industry/Fast food (as an.Asst. Manager min. 4 years or 2 years as a Restaurant Manager) 4. SHIFT LEADER (SL-PHD) . Min. D3 graduated,preferabl e from Tourism School . Male/Female, age max. 30 years old . Having experience in food service industry min.2 years in supervising with min.20 crews OTHER REQUIREMENT: . Master in Labor law, manpower decree and regulations (IRA,IRS). Easy to socialize and possess good negotiations & assertive communication skills (IRA/IRS). Enjoy traveling (IRA,IRS). Willing to be placed anywhere in Indonesia (OM-PHD,SL-PHD) . Height 165 cm (male), 160 (female) (OM-PHD,SL-PHD) . Must ready work longer hours & weekend/holiday (OM-PHD,SL-PHD) . Fluent in English both oral & written (IRA,IRS). Excellent computer skill (Word,Excel, Powerpoint, etc). Strong communication, interpersonal skill & analytical skill. Full of independent with pleasant personality, mature,attention to detail and integrity. Only qualified candidates will be contacted Please specify your application by putting the code on the left hand side of the envelope and send complete application, with CV and most recent photograph within 10 working days of this advertisement to : Staffing Division-HRDPT. Sarimelati KencanaGhaha Mustika Ratu 8th floorJl. Gatot Subroto Kav. 74-75Jakarta 12870orrecruitment@ pizzahut. co.id |
Senin, 16 Juni 2008
Lowongan COOK, Urgent!
Kriteria :
1. Pria / Wanita
2. Pengalaman dibidangnya minimal 1 tahun (Lebih disukai Italian Food)
3. Bahasa Inggris pasif / aktif
4. Kreatif, Disiplin
silahkan kirim Lamaran, CV dan foto secepatnya ke email : lisa@ismayagroup. com
atau melalui pos dengan mencantumkan kode "cook" di kiri amplop ke alamat :
Up. Executive Chef
Puro Ristorante e Bar
City Plaza at Wisma Mulia
Jln. Jend Gatot Subroto No.42
Jakarta Selatan 12710
Honesty and Integrity Pre-Employment Tests | 1 July 2008
Young workers (age 18 to 24 years old) in the United States are twice as likely as older colleagues to steal office supplies for home use without thinking it is wrong according to a April 2006 Spherion Workplace Snapshot survey. And all those missing paper clips and pens add up to more than $50 billion a year.
"A lot of people that steal don't consider it stealing. They just consider it taking things or that it's a fringe benefit," said John Case, head of Employeetheft. com, a security consulting firm based in Del Mar, California.
The types of cash, merchandise and property theft respondents most often admitted to were:
- Taking company supplies for personal use (35%)
- Taking merchandise or equipment (17%)
- Giving or receiving refunds for unpurchased items (7%)
- 49 percent of the respondents admitted eating food without paying, many of the employees indicated that they were allowed to
- 44 percent of the employees admitted engaging in some type of cash, merchandise or property theft
- 42 percent of the respondents had come to work late without permission
- 24 percent had left work early without authorization
- 19 percent had abused sick days
- 18 percent had been absent from work without good reason
- In total, 59 percent of the sample admitted to some type of "time theft." Nineteen percent reported that they committed some type of time theft at least once a month.
Source :McGraw-Hill/ London House and National Food Service Security Council survey of restaurant and fast food employees Copyright © 1995, McGraw-Hill/ London House
Nonproductive Computer Use at Work
- Very few respondents (2.2%) reported spending more than 12 hours a week using their work computer to catch up on personal tasks (e.g., banking, shopping, vacation planning), with 18% spending at least one hour per week doing so. Approximately 50% indicated that they never used their work computer to catch up on personal tasks.
- Only .4% indicated spending more than 12 hours a week using their work computers to "take breaks" from their day (e.g., sending personal email, surfing the web, playing games). Nearly 17% spent at least one hour per week "taking breaks" while 46% reported never doing so. These latter two questions, combined,
(Source : Nonproductive Computer Use at Work: Results from the 2001 National Work Opinion Survey)
B. What is HIPET?
There is wide-spread concern about the honesty and integrity of employees. Most organizations have serious problems of pilferage, absenteeism, tardiness, employee disagreements that lead to violence, drug and alcohol abuse, and computer misuse. The annual loss from these counterproductive behaviors is estimated in the billions of dollars. There was a clear need for a brief assessment that could be used as part of the pre-employment screening process. HIPET (Honesty and Integrity Pre-Employment Tests) was developed to meet that need.
HIPET assesses six areas of potentially counterproductive behaviors by a self-descriptive inventory that taps six substantive areas of concern as well a Good Impression (validity) scale.
a.. Hostility
b.. Conscientiousness
c.. Integrity
d.. Substance Abuse
e.. Sexual Harassment
f.. Computer Misuse
HIPET is modular with four "core" scales and then three additional scales that can be added as needed. The core assessment is 80 true/false questions and if all the core scales are added, the assessment is 140 questions. The scores produce a HIPET profile which can then be compared to successful and less successful incumbents in a variety of jobs.
Developed in an English and Bahasa Indonesia -language version, this assessment takes only 10-12 minutes to complete. HIPET is a web-based system, but it can be given on paper if necessary (if given on paper, the responses would be entered into the scoring software in order to generating reports).
The HIPET Assessment provides three valuable reports for the user:
a.. Interpretive Report: Describes the score in each scale and what it means.
b.. Graph Report: A quick snapshot of the participant' s scores and what level of concern they fall into.
c.. Behavioral Interview Question Report: Follow-up questions based on which assessment items the participant answered in a "counter-productive " manner.
C. Why HIPET? Learn Why HIPET Assessment beats the competition every time
a.. 8-15 minutes for HIPET Assessment
a.. Get great data quick.
b.. No proctoring required.
Easy to Use
a.. No extensive training.
a.. No professional Interpretation needed.
a.. Rather than just giving a score or a scale for a trait, Clues tells how candidate will function in a job.
a.. No guessing or interpretation necessary. Any person can read and understand the reports.
Business use
a.. Designed specifically for Business Use
a.. Unlike many other tests including Meyers Briggs, 16PF, Caliper, and Berkman which were designed as clinical tools.
Normative Instrument
a.. Normed on general population using latest psychometric principles with the ability to norm for individual clients or groups.
a.. Assessment results reflect comparison to general population as opposed to simply a score.
Faking Scale
a.. Is candidate truthful, or just telling us what they think we want to hear?
a.. Make sure you know the data is accurate
a.. Measures honesty, dependability and aggression
b.. Includes optional scales for Substance Abuse, Computer Abuse and Sexual Harassment.
a.. The most modern, encompassing honesty
assessment on the market.
Respected Psychologists
a.. Assessments are developed by world renowned and respected psychologists Dr. Leonard Goodstein and Dr. Richard Lanyon.
a.. You gain from their years of experience and
know the assessment is built right.
a.. Most companies will achieve ROI of well over 60:1 using the Clues assessments
a.. Tools are as cost efficient as they are informative.
Available in Multiple Languages
a.. English
b.. Bahasa Indonesia version
a.. Consistency across the world for multi-nationals
Expected Corporate Benefits From Using CluesAssessments
§ Dramatically Reduce Cost Per Hire
§ Reduce Turnover Rates By 10-50% in First Year
§ Increase Productivity Due to Better Job Fit
§ Improved Employee Morale
§ Reduce Workers Compensation Costs 5-15%
§ Identify Future Leaders and Corporate Bench Strength
D. Falicitator
Mr.Heru Wiryanto
E. Investment
Rp. 2.500.000 per participant including :
- Lunch and Coffee Break
- HIPET Introductory Kit; (includes HIPET Manual, Scoring templates, Assessment Booklets, HIPET Behavioral Interview Guide, includes Scoring Software with Unlimited Version)
F. Participants
HR Practitioner, Loss Prevention Manager, Store Manager, Psychologist, Recruiter, Head Hunters, etc.
G. Venue
IS Plaza Building, Lt.9
No Account
BCA - KCP Ahmad Yani - Bekasi
No. Rek : 739 041 0829 a/n Bahari Antono
Information & Registration
Ms Rani Kartika
0815 1049 0007
HRD Forum
IS PLAZA Building 9th Floor, Room 904
Jl Pramuka Raya Kav 151 - Jakarta Timur
Telp: 021- 851-3661 ; 021-857 9510 ; 021 - 856 4666 ext 1053
Fax: 021 - 851 3661 ; 021-857 9510
------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -
Formulir Pendaftaran HIPET
Nama : ............ ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... .
Perusahaan : ............ ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... .
Alamat : ............ ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... .
Telp/HP : ............ ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... .
Email : ............ ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... .
Tanggal Transfer : ............ ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... .
Form Pendaftaran setelah diisi harap di fax ke 021-851 3661 ; 021-857 9510 atau email ke Event@HRD-Forum. com
------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -
Senin, 09 Juni 2008
Senior Researcher: Hydrogen Infrastructure Technologies R & D
North-West University Posted date:
Jumat, 06 Juni 2008
Postdoctoral Fellows - Neurological Disease
Northwestern University
Senior Researcher: Hydrogen Infrastructure Technologies R & D
North-West University
Visiting Instructor - Psychology
University of West Florida
The area of concentration may be clinical-counseling or biological psychology.Teaching assignment will likely include 3-4 courses per term at the graduate and/or undergraduate level such as Experimental Psychology and lab, Brain/Behavior/Experience, Cognitive Neuroscience, Psychopathology, Theories of Counseling, or Interventions in Addictions. Participation in departmental activities such as student advising and program assessment is also expected.
Review of applications will begin June 15 and will continue until a successful candidate is chosen.Applicants should submit a letter of intent (including a description of relevant teaching experience), a Curriculum Vitae (CV), and names and contact information for three references via the UniversityТs electronic system at https://jobs.uwf.edu.
UWF is located in Pensacola on Northwest FloridaТs Gulf Coast, with excellent beaches nearby and variety of recreational and cultural activities year-round.The Psychology Department has attractive new facilities with research space, excellent instructional technology and support, and 16 doctoral-level faculty in a variety of areas.We provide undergraduate instruction to over 450 majors and offer the Masters degree with specializations in Clinical-Counseling, General, and Industrial-Organizational Psychology.Our Clinical-Counseling and I-O tracks are accredited by the Masters in Psychology Accreditation Council (MPAC). The Department also houses administrative offices for the Southeastern Psychological Association.For more information about the Department of Psychology, please see our Web site at https://www.uwf.edu/psychology.
For further information, please contact the Search Committee Chair, Dr. Rosemary Hays-Thomas, at rlowe
This position requires a criminal background screening.Pursuant to provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act, any person requiring special accommodations to respond is requested to advise UWF by contacting the UWF ADA Office at 1-850-473-7469 (Voice) or 1-850-857-6114 (TTY).UWF is an Equal Opportunity/Access/Affirmative Action Employer.
Programmer / Data Analyst on Biomedical Image Analysis
University of North Carolina (UNC)
The successful applicant must have a master degree in computer science or related engineering fields. He/She must be strong in programming, and familiar with C/C++, Matlab, ITK/VTK, and SPM. Experience with Linux is highly desired. Knowledge on biomedical imaging, computer vision, pattern recognition, and image processing is very helpful.
If interested, please send your resume to Dr. Shen (dgshen
Postdoctoral Fellow - Computational Biology
University of Ottawa
Position is to be taken up by December 31, 2008, and is for two years ($50,000 per year). Candidates must have completed or received a PhD degree no more than two years before the intended application deadline; or be expected to complete their PhD before January 1, 2009.
Please send a pre-application by email (all material in one file) to A.-G. Rolland-Lagan (arolland
Please include your CV, a description of your research interests, and names and email addresses of three referees. The selected candidate will be encouraged to submit a full application.
For more information, please contact A.-G. Rolland-Lagan (arolland
Web links:
Rolland-Lagan lab:
http://www.science.uottawa.ca/~arolland/Index.html (in English)
http://www.science.uottawa.ca/~arolland/Accueil.html (en Franзais)
Vision 2010 Postdoctoral Fellowship:
Professorship of Development and Reproduction
University of Oxford
Department of Physiology, Anatomy and Genetics
Professorship of Development and Reproduction
Lecturer/Senior Lecturer (Confirmation Path)
University of Otago
Te Tari Whaiaroaro
Otago School of Medical Sciences
Five positions
The Department of Physiology is undergoing considerable expansion and is committed to excellence in research and teaching. Our research is focussed on three main areas: Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience; Circulation, Integrative Physiology and Inflammation; Membrane and Ion Transport. The successful candidates will be expected to develop a strong independent research programme within one of the above research areas, and to interact and, where appropriate, collaborate, with other research groups in the Department of Physiology and within the University of Otago.
Senior Lecturer applicants must have an established international reputation in physiological research and an ability to teach a number of physiological topics. Lecturer applicants must have a postdoctoral background in physiological research and an undergraduate degree in physiology or closely related subject; teaching experience is desirable. Applicants should have teaching experience or a strong background in more than one of the following teaching areas or their components: (1) cellular, molecular or integrative neurophysiology, (2) cardiovascular, respiratory or renal integrative physiology and (3) cellular physiology, membrane biology, epithelial and ion transport, renal physiology or gastro-intestinal physiology.
Specific enquiries may be directed to Dr Pat Cragg, Head of Department, Department of Physiology, Tel 64 3 479 7334, Email pat.cragg
Information about the Department can be obtained from http://www.otago.ac.nz/physiology
Reference Number: A08/72. Closing date: Wednesday, 13 August 2008.
Application Information
With each application you must include an application form, an EEO Information Statement, a covering letter, contact details for three referees and one copy of your full curriculum vitae. For an application form, EEO Information Statement and a full job description go to: www.otago.ac.nz/jobs Alternatively, contact the Human Resources Division, Tel 64 3 479 8269, Fax 64 3 479 8279, Email job.applications
Equal opportunity in employment is University policy.
Jumat, 30 Mei 2008
Lowongan Kerja:Checker Di PT. Mastersystem Infotama
Alamat: Wisma Nugra Santana lt.6 Jl. Jend. Sudirman kav.7-8 Jakarta
Pusat 10220 Indonesia
Deskripsi Perusahaan:
IT Solution & System Integration
Lowongan Kerja:Checker
Deskripsi Pekerjaan
1.Laki-Laki pendidikan min D1
2.Usia max.35 tahun
Job Description:
1.Memonitor dan membuat pelaporan mengenai stock barang
2.Membuat laporan harian dan mengecek kelengkapan DO yang sudah
3.menjaga kebersihan dan mengatur barang keluar masuk di gudang
Bagi Anda yg Berminat Dan Memenuhi kriteria diatas dapat mengirimkan
surat lamaran,CV,Nomor telepon yg dapat dihubungi dan pasphoto
terakhir ke : recruitment@ mastersystem. co.id
Tanggal Tayang: 05/29/2008
Pendidikan: Diploma - Fresh/Entry Level (0-2 years)
Lokasi: Jakarta / Indonesia
Status Pekerjaan: Permanent Position
Gaji yang ditawarkan: NEGOTIABLE
Tanggal Penutupan: 1/8/08
Lowongan Kerja:Sales Marketing Executive Di Abindo
Alamat: Blvd Artha Gading, Rukan Artha Gading Niaga B-34 Jakarta
Utara 14240 Indonesia
Deskripsi Perusahaan:
The main focus of the company is on the promotion and advertising
industry. Abindo is a startup company and is established in mid
Lowongan Kerja:Sales Marketing Executive
Deskripsi Pekerjaan
Perusahaan kami sedang membutuhkan beberapa orang dengan kualifikasi
sebagai berikut:
- Umur dibawah 30 thn
- Minimum 1 tahun pengalaman di bidang sales diutamakan yang
bergerak di bidang advertising.
- Berpenampilan menarik.
- Punya kendaraan sendiri.
Silahkan anda kirimkan resume/CV dan foto terbaru anda ke alamat:
PT Abindo
Blvd Artha Gading, Rukan Artha Gading Niaga B-34
Jakarta Utara, 14240
Tanggal Tayang: 05/29/2008
Pendidikan: SMU/SMEA/STM - Advanced Career (10+ years)
Lokasi: Jakarta / Indonesia
Status Pekerjaan: Contract Position
Gaji yang ditawarkan:
Tanggal Penutupan: 07/20/2008
Lowongan Kerja:Staf Administrasi & Sekretaris Di PT Mitra Copierindo
Alamat: JL. CIDENG TIMUR NO.40 Indonesia
Deskripsi Perusahaan:
Bidang Penjualan dan Rental Mesin Photocopy
Lowongan Kerja:Staf Administrasi & Sekretaris
Deskripsi Pekerjaan
.Dapat menguasai 2 bahasa (Inggris&Mandarin)
.Profesional dalam bekerja & loyal terhadap perusahaan
.Dapat bekerja dalam tim & individu
.Dapat mengaktifkan internet & Microsoft Office
.Gaji pokok Rp2,5jt+bonus+ tunjangan
Apabila anda memenuhi persyaratan di atas kirimkan aplikasi lamaran,
CV & pas foto (3x4) 1lembar beserta sertifikat pendukung ke:
iq_career@hotmail. com
We will give you the best benefit!!..and the great bonus!!..for who
can be our candidates!!
Tanggal Tayang: 05/29/2008
Pendidikan: Associate Degree - Fresh/Entry Level (0-2 years)
Lokasi: Jakarta / Indonesia
Status Pekerjaan: Permanent Position
Gaji yang ditawarkan: Rp2,5jt+bonus+ tunjangan
Tanggal Penutupan: 06/17/2008
Vacancy as a Trained Insurance Officer in PT Petrosea Tbk
Our strategic shareholder and partner, Clough Limited (ASX:CLO) provides Petrosea with access and support to world class management and project delivery systems which allows Petrosea to deliver international excellence to the Indonesian market.
We are currently taking applicants for the following position:
1. Min. D3 Degree major in Insurance & Risk Management
2. Min. 3 years experience working with multinational company
3. Strong administration skill
4. Excellent English skills - spoken & written
5. Team oriented, self motivated and ability to priorities work.
6. Strong interpersonal & communication skills. Able to effectively communicate with all levels of staff in organization.
7. A 'can do' attitude, with a hands on approach.
We offer a challenging and innovative work environment and an attractive salary package will be negotiated to ensure a high calibre appointment. To apply for this position, please forward your application together with a detailed resume including recent color photograph to recruitment. jkt@petrosea. com in Microsoft Word format or Pdf, not more than 150kb, & put the name of the position in the e-mail subject.
Urgent Requirement to Property Company
Saya Anisa dari PT. Affix Consulting, kami adalah consultan SDM dan
Management, salah satu service kami adalah Executive Search/Head
Hunter. Kantor kami, ada di Wisma Slipi 3rd Floor # 308.
Saya, meminta izin kepada moderator untuk menayangkan iklan lowongan
kerja kami. Mohon maaf bila kami dari Affix Consulting tidak dapat
memberitahukan nama perusahaan klient kami. Atas izin yang diberikan
saya ucapkan terima kasih.
Klien kami adalah salah satu Perusahaan Propery/Developer yang cukup
besar dan terus berkembang, salah satu proyek kebanggaan mereka ada di
daerah Serpong dan Surabaya, mengundang para profersional untuk join
dan maju bersama mereka sebagai :
(Jakarta dan Surabaya)
Kualifikasi :
S1 Teknik Sipil atau Arsitek
Pengalaman 4 tahun di posisi yang sama pada bidang Real Estate &
Pria Max.35
Mampu berbahasa inggris lisan dan tulisan
Menguasai MS Offices
Memiliki keterampilan komunikasi dan kepribadian yang baik
Menguasai Perizinan terutama perizinan untuk property
Cantumkan kode di subjek email :
Kode : EMJ = Posisi Jakarta
EMS = Posisi Surabaya
Kirimkan CV anda beserta detail Job Descriptions pekerjaan anda ke :
Affix Consulting
Wisma Slipi 3rd Floor # 308
Jln. S Parman Kav.12
Phone : 021- 5305912/13 (anisa)
Fax : 021- 5307208
or anisa@affixconsulti ng.com/ anisa_ruskin@ yahoo.com
No service payment from candidate/job sekeer.
CP. Anisa -081328646904
Batas waktu pengiriman tanggal 4 Juni 2008
Senin, 05 Mei 2008
- Execelent in PHP, MySQL, PostgresQL, XML, CSS and javascript.
- Understand OOP concept.
- Familiar with AJAX.
- Fast learner, Good logic and willing to work hard.
- experience in developing Database Application using PHP.
recruitmet@miraiten .com or drunk_yakuza@ yahoo.com
Ged. Sarana Jaya Lt II no 216.
Jl Tebet Barat IV. Jakarta Selatan - 12810. Indonesia
Leave a Reply
Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile. Try it now.
Sabtu, 03 Mei 2008
Konklusinya, kita bakalan dapet banyak link darisana. Qassia yang bakalan membantu site kita terindex di google. negh gue copas dari F.A.Q nya
Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile. Try it now.
Kamis, 01 Mei 2008
who has been engaged in this business for more than 35 years and subsidiary
of a group company in Indonesia that have 50 years experience in this
business. We need a few talented, highly motivated and results orientated
people to join our successful business team as :
years experience Read the rest of this entry »
Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile. Try it now.
in this business for more than 35 years and subsidiary of a group company in
Indonesia that have 50 years experience in this business. We need a few
talented, highly motivated and results orientated people to join our
successful business team as :
* Able to Deal with Government & Notary Public
* Male / Female
* Must Min S1 in Law
* Your current position must be at similar level with at least 3 years
experience in similar industry
* Must Highly Organized and Meticulous, able to Balance Multiple Tasks
and Work under pressure
* Must Fluent in English
commitment, ready to work and contribute in teams, willing to take
challenges and responsibility, energetic, enthusiastic and fast learner.
resume & supporting document in English (please note of job code at the
subject of your email), addressed to:
Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile. Try it now.
Provider. We successfully deliver state of the art, and high
quality solutions to our Costumers. On behalf of one of our
Costumer, we are looking for high qualified self starters that
would like to take the challenge to work in this exciting
Aviation Software Developer
& development, and are familiar with C/C++ programming, Python or
similar scripting languages, and have in depth knowledge of state
of the art Software Development Technology & Internet Application
Design (Open GL). You provide knowledge & programming experience
under LINUX, as well as UML & XML expertise. Read the rest of this entry »
Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile. Try it now.
S 1 Teknik Sipil (IPK min. 2,8)
Memiliki pengalaman dalam mereview gambar-gambar design konstruksi
Memiliki pengalaman dalam mereview metode konstruksi
Memiliki pengalaman min. 2 tahun sebagai Civil & Mechanic Supervisor
Bersedia ditempatkan di Lampung
Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile. Try it now.
professionals to be a part of our team as IT Sales & Marketing
Manager and IT Marketing Officer
1. Male/female with S1 Degree.
2. Have 1-2 years of related experience.
3. Have excellent team leadership, communication and interpersonal
4. Fast learning and able to work under pressure.
5. Pleasant personality with good communication, interpersonal &
presentation skills.
6. Good computer skills (MS Office).
7. Good command of English in both oral and verbal.
8. Good understanding about internet and the IT business. Read the rest of this entry »
Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile. Try it now.
teknik) dan fastener (mur baut)
membuka kesempatan kerja bagi Anda yang memiliki motivasi serta
kualitas kerja yang tinggi untuk bergabung dengan kami.
Bagi yang berminat dan memenuhi kualifikasi di atas, kirimkan surat
lamaran beserta
foto terbaru ukuran 4X6 sebanyak 2 lembar , paling lambat 1 (satu)
minggu ke :
Jl Kapuk Kamal Raya no. 170
Penjaringan- Jakarta Utara
mailto:hradm.jkt@ajbs. co.id
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Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile. Try it now.
Rabu, 30 April 2008
Male, max. 30 years old
Bachelor degree from reputable university
Have 2 years experience, fresh graduate are wecome to apply
Possessing excellent skills in accounting regulation and local taxation system
Knowledge in accounting, able to handle full set of accounts
Able to work under pressure and tight schedule
Able to work with high speed and high accuracy level
Self-motivated and well-organized
Please Send Application Letter, CV, recent photograph
Put the code on the upper left corner of the envelope or
subject email to :
HRD GLOBE MEDIA GROUP Graha Investor Jl. Padang No. 19 - 21 Manggarai Jakarta 12970
damayanti@investor. co.id or
alvina@investor. co.id
Only short listed candidates will be notified
Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile. Try it now.
urgent : MARKETING for Sekuritas Company
is a Human Resources Consultant Company located in Jakarta is in positions to offer services to any issues in Human Resources. Have wide range client from property, electronic, embassy, logistic, telecommunication, financial institution, hospital to shipping. One of our services is Executive Search
One of our client, a well-known financial institution which protfolio has reached the top 4 in Indonesia, located in Jakarta , is urgently looking for young, energetic, and highly motivated professionals to join them as :
Marketing - Personal Investment Assistant (pda-103)
Qualification :
1. Female/male age 22-28 years old
2. Good communication skills and persuasive
3. Like challenge, sociable, adaptable
4. Proficiency in English
5. Good appearance and attractive
6. Having interest in marketing field
7. Fresh Graduates are welcome to apply
Facility :
1. Basic salary
2. Incentive
3. Promising career path
4. THR, medical and other benefit
Please email your application letter, detailed CV (include detail job desc), and recent photograph (Ms.Word format, Max 100Kb) to pda@cbn.net. id. Reference code of position must be written on the email subject. For example (yourname-pda 103)
Thank you for your kind attention.
Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile. Try it now.
urgent : ACCOUNTING STAFF for Property Management Company in Jakarta
is a Human Resources Consultant Company located in Jakarta is in positions to offer services to any issues in Human Resources. Have wide range client from property, electronic, embassy, logistic, trading, telecommunication, financial institution, hospital, shipping to retail. One of our services is Executive Search
Our client, a Property Management Company in Jakarta is looking for new professionals to join them in :
Qualification :
1. Female, 25 30 years
2. Minimal D3 degree from Accounting / Finance / Management
3. 3 years experience in same field
4. Understand program related to finance / accounting
5. Pleasant personality and good communication
Please email your application letter, CV, and recent photograph (Ms.Word format, Max 100Kb) to pda@cbn.net. id. Reference code of position must be written on the email subject. For example: yourname-pda 105
Thank you for your kind attention.
Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile. Try it now.
urgent : ACCOUNTING STAFF for Property Management Company in Jakarta
is a Human Resources Consultant Company located in Jakarta is in positions to offer services to any issues in Human Resources. Have wide range client from property, electronic, embassy, logistic, trading, telecommunication, financial institution, hospital, shipping to retail. One of our services is Executive Search
Our client, a Property Management Company in Jakarta is looking for new professionals to join them in :
Qualification :
1. Female, 25 30 years
2. Minimal D3 degree from Accounting / Finance / Management
3. 3 years experience in same field
4. Understand program related to finance / accounting
5. Pleasant personality and good communication
Please email your application letter, CV, and recent photograph (Ms.Word format, Max 100Kb) to pda@cbn.net. id. Reference code of position must be written on the email subject. For example: yourname-pda 105
Thank you for your kind attention.
Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile. Try it now.
Selasa, 29 April 2008
Lowongan Vacancies Linux Sistem Admin
based in JAPAN and ASEAN, and with Head Office in UK - JAC Indonesia.
- Male/female max.30 years old
- Bachelor Degree (S1) in Computer Science or Information Technology
- 1 years work experience
- Knowledge in Networking based on Linux Various including TCP/IP,
MySQL, Apache Installation, Troubleshooting and management, Shell scripts
- Communicative in English verbal and writing
- Prefered applicant come from JABODETABEK area
- Indonesian Citizen
experience (in English) to dinda@jacindonesia. com (dinda @
jacindonesia dot com)
IT/TELCO Specialist
PT. JAC Indonesia
Menara Cakrawala (Skyline Building) 19th Floor
Jl. M.H.Thamrin No.9
Jakarta 10340 Indonesia
Telp.: (+62 21) 315 9504/06 Ext. 261
Fax : (+62 21) 314 7785
Mob : (+62) 856 - 147 8912
Email : dinda@jacindonesia. com
Telp : (+62 21) 8911 7692
Fax : (+62 21) 8911 7693
Telp / Fax : (+62 361) 762 101
Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile. Try it now.
Sabtu, 26 April 2008
lowongan Project Officer - Atambua : Save the Children UK - Ind
Save the Children (SCUK) is a leading international NGO working to create a better world for children. Our organisation is currently implementing a primary education project in Belu and TTU districts. We are seeking applications from experienced national staff interested in working for SCUK based in Atambua, West Timor. We are currently accepting applications for Project Officer:
(Code: PO-ATB, 1 position)
The Project Officer (reporting to the Senior Project Officer) assists in developing and implementing programme activities to improve children¡Çs access to quality primary education.
Implementing and delivering programme activities
Conduct monitoring and evaluation activities in order to provide line managers with critical and strategic feedback for improving Save the Children UK¡Çs education programme strategies and practices
Develop, maintain and improve relationships with local partners (Government, LNGO¡Çs) to ensure sustainability of the programme
Prepare and develop weekly/monthly progress reports
Bachelor¡Çs degree in education or related discipline
Minimum of 3 years of proven relevant experience in primary education programmes with national or international NGOs
Experience of pedagogy at primary level, active teaching and learning processes, training and workshops for teachers
Please send application letter stating code of position applied for, and detailed CV to the address listed below, at the latest by 11 May 2008. Only candidates with relevant background and experience will be short listed. Due to urgent need, candidates may be interviewed and position may be filled before the closing date.
Human Resources Department
e-mail : hrd@savethechildren .or.id
All recruitment practices and procedures reflect Save the Children UK¡Çs commitment to protecting children from abuse.
Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile. Try it now.
Lowongan services company (ISO 9001:2000 certified)
We are a fast growing telecommunication services company (ISO 9001:2000 certified) inviting professionals to fulfill below challenging positions:
- Male/Female, max.30 years old
- Bachelor degree in IT/Computer science from reputable university
- Experience min.3 years in similar position
- Good knowledge; Windows 2003 server, MDaemon & Kerio, Database server
- Have knowledge/skill in Visual basic, RDBMS, TCP/IP, Linux, LAN
- Female, max.30 years old
- Min. Diploma degree in secretary
- Experience min.2 years in similar position
- Male/Female, max.28 years old
- Min. Diploma degree in IT/Computer science
- Experience min.1 year in similar position
- Have knowledge/skill in Visual basic, RDBMS, TCP/IP, Linux, LAN
- Male/Female, max.28 years old
- Min. Diploma degree in Finance/Accounting
- Experience min.1 year in similar position (fresh graduate is welcome)
- Familiar with tax planning, tax report and tax regulation
- Male/Female, max.28 years old
- Min. Diploma degree in Technical
- Experience min.1 year in similar position
- Male, max.30 years old
- Min. Diploma degree in Health & Safety/Environmenta l Engineering
- Experience min.2 year in safety management supervision, risk assessment, safety management implementation, safety program facilitator, safety program coaching and safety audit & reporting
- Strong knowledge of OHSAS 18000 & ISO 9000
- Willing to travel within Indonesia
¡ü GPA min.2.85 ¡ü Computer literate ¡ü Fluency in English ¡ü Hard worker and self motivated
¡ü Good player in the team work ¡ü Good interpersonal communication skills
¡ü Having basic knowledge about Health & Safety requirements ¡ü Job location in Jakarta
If you are interested in career opportunity with us, please submit your CV/resume, current photo and put the position you applied as an email subject, before April 30, 2008
Email to:
Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile. Try it now.
We are a fast growing telecommunication services company inviting professionals to fulfill below challenging positions:
- Male/Female, max.35 years old
- S1 in Civil/Telecommunica tion Engineering
- Experience min.3 years in doing Ericsson product & installation (Cellular/transmiss ion & BTS Project)
- Male/Female, max.30 years old, S1 in Civil Engineering,
- Experience in similar position min. 3 years
- Willing to travel within Indonesia
- Male/Female, max.30 years old, S1 in Telecommunication/ Civil Engineering
- Experience min.2 year with test & commissioning of Transmission system/BTS
- Willing to travel within Indonesia
- Male/Female, max.28 years old, S1 in Telecommunication/ Civil Engineering
- Experience 1 year with test & commissioning of transmission system/BTS/CME (fresh graduate is welcome)
- Willing to travel within Indonesia
- Male, max.28 years old, S1 in Telecommunication Engineering
- Experience min. 1 year in similar position
- Male/Female, max.28 years old, Min. D3 in Civil Engineering
- Experience 1 year in similar position or fresh graduate,
- AutoCAD skill is a must, Willing to travel within Indonesia
- Male/Female, max.28 years old, Min. D3 in Technical,
- Experience 1 year in similar position or fresh graduate
- Male, max.28 years old, SMK/STM
- Experience min. 1 year in similar position
- Willing to travel within Indonesia
¡ü Min. GPA 2,85 for D3/S1 ¡ü Computer literate ¡ü Fluency in English
¡ü Good Communication skills ¡ü Good team player ¡ü Self motivated
¡ü Job location in Jakarta(1-8) , Balikpapan(4, 6), Pontianak(4) , Banjarmasin( 4,6), Sulawesi(4), Bali(4), Jawa Timur(4,6,7) , Medan(2,4,7)
Please submit your CV/resume, recent photograph (4x6)
no later than May 2, 2008
email to: hrd@k3m.biz
Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile. Try it now.
Dibutuhkan dengan SEGERA 1 (satu) orang Tenaga Kerja dengan kualifikasi umum
sebagai berikut :
- Pria / Wanita, max.28th Single, diutamakan S1 Sastra Inggris IPK>=3.00
- Menguasai Bhs.Inggris Lisan & Tulisan serta sanggup sebagai TRANSLATOR.
- Memiliki performance Dan komunikasi yang baik
- Bersedia ditempatkan di Kota Bogor Dan bersedia ditugaskan ke luar kota.
- Sanggup bekerja secara individu/team work.
CV lengkap, copy ijazah & foto terbaru dikirim dengan cantumkan Kode/Subject
"STAFF" ke :....
http://www.jobislan ds.com/2008/ 04/muarakrakatau coid-fresh- graduate. html
Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile. Try it now.
Lowongan BANDUNG: Part Time PHP/MySQL Web Developer Urgently Needed
Web Developer Urgently Needed For Immediate Recruitment.
- Work At Home
A highly motivated and self-disciplined Web Developer are required to
work at home (Bandung) to develop and maintain multiple websites.
Part-time job, average 2 to 3 hours a day, 5 days a week. Result
oriented responsibilities with working hours flexibilities.
Must be able to work without supervision, has initiatives, responsible
and are committed to excellence. Have own PC and Internet connection.
Daily work reports sent by email and performance progresses will be
monitored online.
Candidates must have at least 1 years of web developing experience and
a portfolio in building a web applications. Will work together with
our designer/supervisor to create a fulfilling and state of the art
website & other web-multimedia related, especially the back-end of
high-scalability, consumer and community oriented sites.
Willing to learn, deliver results within own set deadlines, excellent
team player, good people skills, responsible and able to work under
pressure. Good command in English, oral & written.
Communicative, excellent in interpersonal communication and
presentation skills.
Good skills in web Programming i.e: PHP/Database SQL/MYSQL, HTML, Java
Script, Server Technology And Network Admin. Internet marketing
knowledge and skills is a plus.
Be familiar with:
- installing third party scripts in general,
- Good (if not excellent) Invision and vBulletin knowledge and skills
is a must,
( preferred to have past experience in developing portal site and
community management including related skills involved. )
- able to modify and develop custom scripts (basic to intermediate)
- we may also do some bridging between multiple third party scripts to
provide a single login platform if this is possible.
- other skills/knowledge required may include familiarity with third
party payment integration (basic), CSS, AJAX and smarty plugins.
Mention and confirm your skills and experience in areas mentioned
above on your cover letter to be included in our shortlist please.
Eligible candidates can apply by addressing your CV and Portfolios via
email to
PT. Cakrabuana Pesona (info@soluzen. com) for our review.
Shortlisted candidates will be contacted in a few days by phone for
interview appointment.
Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile. Try it now.